The British Empire’s Gnostic Revival of Scientific Paganism and a New World Religion


JAN 4, 2024

[Refer also to THIS.]

Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that history is best understood as a living process shaped by

1) ideas of good and evil,

2) decisions to act according to those ideas whether right or wrong, and

3) the freedom to embrace error, corruption and lies which often wear the clothing of truth.

When those false ideas are permitted to shape the cultural standards of what is considered “normal” for too long, decay across all spectrums of life can be found.

The physical, mental and spiritual health of people slowly decays, as those creative discoveries needed to meet the challenges of nature fail to be made, and scarcity, hunger, wars, and ignorance grows like a cancer.

The tension caused by this decay, and the better expression of human nature animated by obedience to truth, morality and creative reason manifests in the form of periods of dense potential, comparable to ‘pregnant moments’ where systemic changes for good or evil become ripe.